Managing Arthritis in Colder Climates|Ambulatory Surgery Center of Boca Raton

Whether you live in a colder area and suffer from arthritis pain or just planning a winter vacation, we have many helpful tips for you. Cold weather is known to exacerbate arthritis pains and aches as the temperature causes blood to circulate slower.

We understand that the winter season can be extremely rough on those who are dealing with arthritis. ASC Boca would like to take this opportunity to help ease your worries so you can live free and mitigate arthritis pain. 

Stretching in the winter to manage arthritis

There are plenty of ways to manage your arthritis pain even those that do not require medications. Staying active is one of the best ways to help minimize pain as it helps increase hand and wrist strength as well as provide you with a boost of energy.

A major underlying issue for people who suffer from arthritis is vitamin D deficiency. In order to prevent excruciating arthritis pain, it is very important to consume adequate amounts of vitamin D each day. Staying active during cooler months can be very difficult when snuggling up by the fire in a blanket sounds very tempting.

However, it is all about moderation so be sure to get moving. For those of you individuals that are nervous about participating in physical activity, the CDC recommends the S.M.A.R.T tips below allowing you to stay cautious and healthy. 

  • Start low, go slow.

  • Modify activity when arthritis symptoms increase, try to stay active.

  • Activities should be “joint friendly.”

  • Recognize safe places and ways to be active.

  • Talk to a health professional or certified exercise specialist.

Furthermore, you can indulge in some comforting remedies such as drawing a warm bath to soak in or hand warmers to ease joint pain. Another reason why you may be experiencing increasing arthritis pain in cooler months is because of dehydration.

Elder man being active in the winter to manage arthritis pain

In the September 2015 issue of Experimental Physiology, researchers found that even mild dehydration made people more sensitive to pain. Remember to stay hydrated, even during the winter season, to prevent experiencing this. 

Fish oil is another extremely helpful way to reduce arthritis pain because it is composed of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are proven to fight inflammation and according to the Arthritis Foundation, your diet should consist of 2.6 grams of fish oil a day to help prevent pain.

If your arthritis symptoms continue to persist and cause extreme discomfort despite the above efforts we recommend you consult a physician at our center. ASC Boca offers pain management plans that are designed just for you. These plans can include injections that are designed for patients that suffer from chronic pain. Consult a physician at our center and learn more by calling (561) 544-5501 or emailing us at

Don’t let your arthritis pain control your life, take control of your pain with the help of our staff who offer our patients affordable, convenient, and quality healthcare solutions. We are committed to excellence in health care and are ready to help you and your loved ones today!


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