The Importance of Bone Health and How to Improve Yours – ASC Boca

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Ambulatory Surgery Center of Boca Raton offers patients convenient, quality, and affordable surgical and non-surgical procedures to alleviate pain. It is our mission to help patients by providing them with the utmost care. Educating patients outside of the center is another priority of ours at ASC Boca.

In this blog, you will learn more about the importance of bone health and what steps you can take to improve yours today. 

Bone Health Benefits:

Maintaining strong bones can reduce the risk of injuries and other health issues. Your bones provide support and structure to your body helping form your body's unique shape. They also protect internal organs, contribute to blood cell formation, and store essential nutrients for later use. Calcium and phosphate are minerals that your body may reabsorb from your bones instead of keeping in your bones as you age. This causes your bones to become weaker. When your bones get weak, your bones lose density and you can develop osteoporosis. Your bones can be prone to get fractured more easily. Poor bone health can also lead to other health issues such as arthritis.

How to Improve Bone Health:

Making simple daily changes in your lifestyle can significantly improve your bone health. It is important to understand how the way you treat your body physically through diet and exercise directly correlates with your overall health. There are many practices to incorporate in your everyday life to ensure your bones are strong and healthy. Below are a few tips to consider to improve your bone health:

healthy female stretching bones
  1. Include large amounts of calcium in your diet – Calcium is a mineral that your body needs to maintain strong bones. Any type of dairy is a good source of calcium and you can try foods such as green leafy vegetables or almonds. The amount of calcium your body needs each day is dependent on your age and can range from 200mg-1,300mg. 

  2. Increase your Vitamin D intake – Vitamin D allows calcium to be absorbed into the body. You can increase your intake by eating vitamin d rich foods such as eggs or salmon. Soaking in vitamin d from the sun is another good way to naturally increase intake. 

  3. Reduce Your Alcohol Consumption – Alcohol impairs the way the body absorbs calcium and regulates it. It contributes to the weakening of bones and is recommended to be significantly reduced from your diet. 

  4. Staying Active – Regularly moving your body and exercising is a great way to improve bone health. You can strengthen your bones just by 5 to 10 minute daily walks.

Are you or your loved one experiencing constant pain or experiencing poor bone health? Patients receiving Pain Management procedures or injections receive relief from acute or chronic pain. ASC Boca uses the latest technology and research to provide advanced health care. Contact our ambulatory surgery center located in Boca Raton, Florida to have your issue consulted by one of our highly skilled physicians. You can call us at 561-544-5501 to schedule an appointment for pain management or learn more about the other services ASC Boca offers.


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